I had a lot of 10 thread, but no use for it. So I decided to give it to my sister in law Delia, because she would tat something big. At the time my mother in law was young, there were woman who had a loom in their home to weave bedlinen. But the poorer ones had a smaller loom to weave towels. These poorer ones weaved also bedlinens and sewed the stripes together with invisible stitches. Today you can find those stripes for little money and they are used to make bedspreads inserting lace stripes in between the woven stripes. This is what my sister in law wanted to do. So I suggested her a wonderful square from Teiko Fujito's book, because the design has to be resistant and close. But my DSL did not like it, too many joinings, she said. So we went trough all my designs and all my book, but this was too simple and that was too difficult. She wanted something to be made continuously in rows, and not in pieces to put together. Now I spent some days on the seeside with 3 of my grandchildren and designed this pattern, which I hope she will like! This is only the sample, with corrections done on the way and to be perfectionated.
Oh, it is very lovely. I look forward to seeing the finished project.
It's very pretty! I'd love to see the finished version and her bedspread.
Very nice.
That's a very lovely design!
Wonderful pattern!
Hallo Iris,
dies ist wieder ein wunderschönes
Muster. Das wird bestimmt ein sehr schönes Projekt.
Bin schon gespannt auf das fertige
Gruß Johanna
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