This is the new book ready. The theme of this book is edgings and insertions. There are 18 patterns, and descriptions of the extraordinary techniques, like the cluny leaf.
You will find also the black edging (not in black).
Some information about my other books are on the tatting book blog .
Congrats on the publication of your third book, Iris. The edging on the cover is gorgeous!
Where and when can I get a copy? This is a "must have" for me!
I love the cover already!
Look forward to seeing your new book. There are sure to be some fantastic patterns in it.
I have already ordered my copy! - waiting for it to arrive. I bought it at Lacis.
Congrat's on your book and I just adore the edging!!!!
P.S. Like Marty, it's a must have for me so I would like purchasing details as well as soon as possible! :D
Oh, LOVELY! I ♥ the cover. This is book #4 or 5 isn't it?
Hallo Iris,
mit Freude sehe ich, dein neues
Buch ist fertig. Ich bin schon
sehr gespannt auf deine neuen
Entwürfe. Ich liebe deine Muster.
Auch diese Buch möchte ich gerne haben.
Liebe Grüße Johanna
Hallo Iris,
ich freue mich, daß dein neues
Buch fertig ist. Ich möchte es
gerne haben. Ich liebe deine
Liebe Grüße Johanna
Congratulations! I have been chomping at the bit in anticipation of this book. Just like Marty, it is a "must have" for me.
Any chance of getting a discount if we "bundle" book 3 together with your previous Fantasia books?
Just thought I would throw that question out there since this book makes a trilogy.
Hallo Iris,
Your new book is in my luagage, back from our exhibition in Horstmar-Germany. Congratulation, I like your pattern! I am not sure with which to start with, Gloria, Paula, Livia, Rose or at first our Cluny Hexagon favorit, in anyway I will use one to exercise my shuttel tatting, beside my creations in needle tatted jewellery.
*;-) cd*. Could you get a flute??
Happy tatting for your all out there!
Wow, cover edging is really great!
Su questo tuo nuovo libro ho trovato ancora altri capolavori. Complimenti Iris per la tua fantasia.
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