Step 13: Change direction, change color with shoelace knot and work a chain of 3ds taking a seed bead from your working thread between: 3 b 3 b 3 b 3 b 3 b 3 (5 beads). Join to picot of last ring of dark center flower.

Step 14: Change color with shoelace knot and work a chain with a 6mm bead as described in Step 2

Step 15: Now comes the most difficult part! Start your ring with 7 ds. Look carefully on the image and join to picot on top of second leaf of dark center flower, leaving the dark chain with the bead behind.

Step 16: work other 4 ds and join to the 6mm bead on your chain.

Step 17: Work the next 9ds on your ring and join to first picot of the dark chain in the same way as described in Step 4.

Step 18: Work the last 20 ds of the ring and close. Put the ring in the right position on the underlying chain.

Tomorrow we will finish!
What? No comments? LOL! I'll admit I've been busy but I'm copying each step along the way and when it's done - I'll do it all in one sitting. I was hoping to see questions, stumbling places, etc. at this point. Maybe it's really that easy????
It's a beautiful & intiguing design and thank you for your generosity in offering it and in such a detailed way. I was in a bead store yesterday and wish I had the size of beads needed with me so that I could have gotten something gorgeous but I have beads I can use. Lovely!
This lessons are extra, i have to try this to do :), thanks
Just found this gorgeous earring on Pinterest and followed the links, these are beautiful and lovely pattern
Amazing earrings. I would like to make them, but I do not know where to find the finish part (at the end of part 3 says tomorrow we will finish). Zhank you for the help.
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