Dear tatting friends,
Today I have a bit of time to do a relaxing work on my blog. So I will tell you about my wonderful trip to England at the end of september and show you some pictures.
As I'm not so much a photografer, I forgot to take pictures during my two workshops.
I was hosted so wonderful by Brenda Rebhorn, who had organized two workshops and a lot of meetings with tatting and lace people for me. She drove me

Though the weather in England is often rainy and foggy, we had 12 wonderful sunny and warm days. So we could travel around on the open bus and on top of the ferry to visit London, which is the most impressive capital I ever saw in my life.
We visited Birmingham, which is also a very big and beautiful city. Then some smaller villages with their picturesque streets, houses and wonderful churches.

The last days of my stay also Ira from Wales joined us and we laughed a lot together, and Brenda took us to visit an old glas factory.

The cheep surely admired my beauty, or not?

Lichfield Cathedral, one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the world. More pictures on the next post.
Sounds as though you had a wonderful trip. I'm glad you have such a good time! XX B
It's such a shame we didn't get to meet up when you were over here. It would've been lovely.
Did you get to my town at all?
So glad the weather was good to you too.
What an interesting trip! I'll be waiting for the next set of pictures. It's always fun to see another country through someone's pictures. I'm really curious about your needle-tatting adventure as well.
sounds like you had a good time. the pictures look interesting, I am looking forward to see more of them.
Oh, lucky YOU! I would LOVE to visit England someday! If I went I would like to make it a very LONG trip! There are so many places I want to see in England!
There are so many tatters there that I want to meet, too!
The photos are lovely!
How wonderful that you had such nice weather. It surely made your trip lovelier. Glad to see you blogging again after such a long time. Hugs, Hegla
Auguri di Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo ricco di splendide idee.
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