Wednesday, 18 July 2018


Dear tatting friends, thank you all for your nice comments on the new book, comments are always much appreciated. The new book "Fantasia 6" will be available within some days. For all of you, who are new, here are the links of where you can buy the new book and also all my other books: USA, Canada and rest of the world: Germany and rest of Europe: Italia: USA: and There are also others who sell the books. I thank you all for your interest in the book and I'm sure you will enjoy it, Iris

Friday, 6 July 2018

tatting fantasia 6

Dear tatting friends, My new book is ready!!! Some of you have suggested me to invent easy patterns. I have given it much consideration and realized that modern tatting cannot any more be done without the techniques invented in the last decades. For example, if we compare tatting with knitting or crocheting, we see that the latter have a much larger number of techniques. In my opinion, even a beginner must learn all these new techniques, because each of them gives an interesting sign to the modern tatting patterns, which are not any more comparable with the old ones. I have spent a long time developing patterns of same shape to be the same size. That will enable you to combine them together, giving wings to your fantasy. For example, you can use triangles to make hexagons, stars, rhombuses end edges. Hexagons can be knotted together closely or the little trinagular spaces between them can be left open. With the squares you will find a surprise. This was exactly the result I was hoping for you: that you can take the small elements and combine them to obtain interesting works in any size you want. The book contains 6 triangles of same size, 7 hexagons of same size, 5 squares of same size plus 2 small squares fitting into the space left open of the bigger squares. I wish you much fun with this new book

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

some yewellery

I ridid some of the yewellery of my book "Just for fun", and I worked also some new ones: have a look at them

some new doilies

Monday, 19 December 2016

happy Christmas days

Dear tatting friends, the book is now available at Lacis Lace Museum I wish you all happy Cristmas days

Thursday, 8 December 2016

My friend Sherry Townsend

When I was years ago invited to teach at Palmetto tatters days, the first person I met while going from the sleeping room through the garden to the classroom, was Sherry Townsend, an eccentric lady with a lot of red long curled hair and very colored clothes. She saw me and said to me: you are Iris. From that moment on we became friends and she has become the test tatter for my books, a work she seems to enjoy a lot. So also for the new book she has tested all my butterflies and given me precious suggestions to make the book the most perfect possible. Thank you, Sherry, I hope we will have an occasion to meet again. Here is the picture of her Christmas decoration: The buttefly book can be bought from Lacis

Sunday, 4 December 2016


My tattingfriends, What do you think about a Christmastree like this?
The butterflybook is ready for you to buy for Christmas. Happy tatting